Negotiation plays a crucial role in various aspects of our personal and professional lives. Scientific literature underscores the significance of communication in negotiation settings and in building relationships, resolving conflicts and achieving successful outcomes. Communication facilitates the exchange of ideas, promotes understanding and enables parties to express their needs and interests (Lewicki, Barry, & Saunders, 2016). Effective communication involves active listening, clear expression of thoughts, and empathy towards the perspectives of others (Hargie, 2016). Research has consistently demonstrated that strong communication skills positively correlate with negotiation success (Kumar, Singh and Tewari, 2018). By fostering effective communication, negotiators can establish trust, manage conflicts constructively, and facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes.

On the other hand, poor negotiation skills can have significant consequences. Ineffective negotiation can result in strained relationships, adversal interactions, escalating conflicts and an inability to find mutually beneficial solutions (Lewicki et al., 2016). Additionally, individuals with poor negotiation skills may struggle to express their needs, advocate for themeselves or recognize opportunities for collaboration (Fisher, Ury, & Patton, 2011).

Understanding one's negotiation style allows us to become more effective negotiators, achieve our goals more efficiently and build stronger relationships. Individuals' negotiation style is related to  to how they process and communicate throughout a conflict situations. Everyone uses a different style depending on the situation, but individuals tend to have a specific one they use by default.
Taking the negotiation test provides individuals with valuable insights into their negotiation style and tendencies. By understanding their traits and conflict management styles, they can gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas of improvement, allowing for more intentional and effective negotiation strategies.

Boxplay team of psychologists has outlined 5 main styles of negotiation: Evasive, Deferential, Competitive, Manipulative and Cognizant. Each style presents unique characteristics and opportunities for growth.
Evasive negotiators tend to avoid confrontation and withdraw from conflict situations. To become a more effective negotiator, evasive negotiators can work on developing assertiveness in communication and setting clear boundaries.
Manipulative negotiators employ tactics or deception to achieve their goals. Enhancing negotiation ethics and transparency can lead to more successful and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Deferential negotiators often concede or give in to the demands of the other party. Becoming more assertive in negotiations and advocating for their own needs can empower deferential individuals to achieve more favorable outcomes.
Competitive negotiators prioritize their own goals, sometimes at the expense of the other party. Developing a collaborative negotiation style and seeking win-win solutions can enhance their effectiveness as negotiators.
Finally, Cognizant negotiators possess a deep understanding of the needs and interests of the other party. Building upon this strength, further developing communication skills can enhance their ability to navigate complex negotiations and build rapport.

By taking the negotiation test, individuals gain practical insights into their negotiation style and conflict management approach. This knowledge allows them to enhance their negotiation skills and increase their CQ: Communication Quotient™ to achieve their goals more effectively. It also enables individuals to adapt their style to different negotiation situations, building better relationships and achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.

Click here to take the negotiation test

Lewicki, R.J., Barry, B. and Saunders, D.M., 2016. Essentials of negotiation. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Hargie, O., 2016. The importance of communication for organisational effectiveness. Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações, pp.15-32

Kumar, M., Singh, K. and Tewari, D., 2018. Workplace conflict resolution through emotional intelligence (ei). In 1ST PAN IIT International Management Conference, 2018, December (pp. 1-15).

Fisher, R., Ury, W.L. and Patton, B., 2011. Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in. Penguin.