The CQ: Communication Quotient™ Integrated Model acknowledges that communication encompasses more than just the exchange of words, but incorporates a range of essential skills that contribute to successful communication outcomes. It recognizes that effective communication goes beyond linguistic proficiency and encompasses the ability to engage, connect and adapt in various contexts.
Active listening is when you listen with an intentional effort to understand the point of view of others, their motivations, thoughts and expectations while suspending any judgment (Dahlen & DeCoster, 2018). Active Listening is a crucial aspect of communication that plays a significant role in developing interpersonal skills and establishing closer connections (Guffey, Loewy, & Almonte, 2019. This skill is essential for conflict resolution, problem-solving and providing constructive criticism (Eunson, 2019).
The CQ: Communication Quotient™ Integrated Model of Communication has established a connection between Critical Thinking and both Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient.

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and make sense of all the information that is gathered while communicating and interacting with other people (Facione, 2015).
Negotiation is a form of communication that consists of interactions and exchanges between two or more parties whose purpose is to reach an agreement that produces a mutual benefit (Rubin, Pruitt, & Kim, 2009).

The CQ: Communication Quotient™ Integrated Model of Communication proposes an understanding of how negotiation is connected to EQ, IQ and CQ: Communication Quotient™. This model seeks to explain the intricate relationship between these constructs in the context of communication.
Stress Management is the process of addressing and coping with the challenges and pressures that individuals face in their life (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). It involves recognizing and managing the psychological and physiological responses triggered by stressors. Various models and approaches have been proposed to understand stress and develop strategies for its management.
The CQ: Communication Quotient™ Integrated Model of Communication highlights the significance of CQ: Communication Quotient™ in promoting effective collaboration and incorporating incoming communications.

Contrary to linear models of language, the CQ: Communication Quotient™ Integrated Model recognizes communication as a two way process that enhances interpersonal engagement.
During communication and the utilization of CQ: Communication Quotient™ skills, several brain areas are activated to facilitate various cognitive processes.

The Broca's area, located in the left prefrontal cortex, is responsible for language production and articulation. It plays a crucial role in converting thoughts into coherent speech and generating grammatically correct sentences (Broca, 1861).
CQ: Communication Quotient™ serves as a measure of an individual’s Communication Intelligence™. This metric provides valuable insights into one’s capacity to effectively transmit and comprehend information.

As a measure, CQ is not a static attribute, rather it ebbs and flows, influenced by the context and circumstances. Within this framework, the concepts of “High” and “Low” CQ™ emerge, illustrating the fluid and dynamic nature of communication proficiency.